Monday, August 26, 2013

day one=done!

Day one of classes=done!
It's going to be a weird transition living here.
My roommates have commented on how "weird" my meals are because I am eating actual meals and not college macaroni and cheese.
I took it as a great compliment :) 
I love having a full kitchen here and not  having to clean up a million people's dishes like at home living with 7 people! I am going to try and make my meals filling and nutritious, not just convenient.

Here's what I had today:

Breakfast: Black Cherry Chobani w/ grapes, strawberries and raspberries.
Lunch: Quesadilla w/ quinoa, black beans & spinach. Cucumbers, carrots and bell pepper w/ hummus
Dinner: Black Bean Veggie Burger w/ hummus, tomato, spinach & avocado. Some pepper salsa and blue corn chips too.
Dessert: Bananas with peanut butter, coconut & dark chocolate chips

A quick, sweet snack!
Here's to hoping that tomorrow is a better day!

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