Friday, November 1, 2013

5 on Friday

And it's November!
October was a crazy month everything-wise.
School work piled up, volunteering became stressful and the change in seasons always makes me a little weary. It seems that November will be a reward: my race/training will soon be over, a fun trip to NYC and Thanksgiving break.
I am feeling so thankful today, fitting for the first of November.
Here's what I am looking forward to:

1. Skinny Spaghetti Squash Alfredo
from here
2. Seeing my nanny-girls
from last Halloween. 
I miss them so much!
3. Catching up on BL!
It's the first season that I have gotten behind on and I plan on catching up after my LAST LONG RUN tomorrow.
4. Tonight's Halloween costume

My friends and I made our costumes together and they turned out too cute.
Can't wait to see them all together!
5. Thanksgiving
I don't want to rush the season, but Thanksgiving is my favorite.
There is nothing like cooking all morning with your mama!

I hope everyone has a fun & safe weekend!

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